The Guastatori Squad is an elite DAK infantry unit. In skirmishes they are only available exclusively as a call-in through the Italian Infantry Battlegroup.
As with most elite infantry, Guastatori are expensive but high quality troops, with greatly enhanced durability. They come with a large squad size and high health. Uniquely however, they are arguably the most durable infantry in the game due to a special benefit: Guastatori by default have 25% damage reduction against all sources. This makes them one of only two infantry units with innate damage reduction (the other being the Wehrmacht
Guastatori are essentially elite combat engineers rather than typical infantry troops. They are capable of performing the same tasks engineers can do, including repairing damaged vehicles (albeit at an increased rate compared to other engineers), constructing resource caches and defences, as well as laying mines.
By default Guastatori are fully armed with sub-machine guns making them very effective at close range but ineffective at any longer ranges. They also have access to Smoke Grenades and can construct Demo Charges, which are most effective against static structures. They can be upgraded with Breakthrough Package which grants them two flamethrowers and the ability to cut barbed wire. At veterancy level 1 they gain the passive T.35 Gas Masks which grants several combat bonuses upon leaving smoke cover. In addition, they can be further upgraded with additional construction options through battlegroup perks. More information about Guastatori upgrades and abilities can be found below.
With strong durability and incredible utility, Guastatori serve as great shock troops on the frontline. By default, if they can get into close range they will deal immense damage and generally are capable of wiping out most infantry squads on their own. If armed with two flamethrowers, their anti-infantry capability is increased further as they can then easily dispatch infantry even in cover or in garrisons. Since they can fire flamethrowers on the move, this makes them effective rushers as they do not need to stop moving, allowing them to continuously deal damage while closing the gap. Their very high durability means that unlike typical engineers, they are quite capable of fighting directly instead of needing to be protected by other units taking fire for them. On the defence, their ability to do everything engineers can is very helpful as they can easily transition from fighting to repairing nearby vehicles, laying mines, and constructing defences.
Their incredible stats and flexibility of course come at an expensive resource and upkeep cost, and while they can do many things they lack any real means of combating vehicles due to lack of anti-tank weapons or abilities. In addition, they are extremely high value targets for the USF
1200 XP
3600 XP
7200 XP
T.35 Gas Masks: Passive ability gained upon reaching veterancy level 1. When the squad leaves smoke cover, they gain a burst of movement speed, as well as reduced incoming suppression and received accuracy for a short time. Has a fairly short cooldown. Situational ability that works very well with any smoke cover that is created on the battlefield. Combines well with their own Smoke Grenade ability, especially when used as way to deal with HMGs and other problematic obstacles.
Breakthrough Package: Grants the squad two flamethrowers effective against infantry. While it may cost more Munitions, having double the flamethrowers on a durable unit like Guastatori is incredibly powerful especially when it comes to nullifying cover and garrisons. Guastatori are also able to fire flamethrowers on the move, greatly increasing its power as they can continually gap close without losing damage. Also grants the Wire Cutters ability, allowing them to cut barbed wire. As with most special weapons, if the entire squad is killed the flamethrowers will drop to the ground and can be picked up by any infantry, including the enemy!
Veteran Squad Leaders: Globally adds combat bonuses to all infantry. +25% veterancy rate gain, -10% incoming damage. Increases Panzergrenadier squad size by 1.
Advanced Field Repairs: Globally increases the repair speed of all infantry by +2.5 health per second.
Note: Satchel Charge and Minesweeper abilities were removed from this unit in an earlier patch and thus are unavailable in skirmishes.
Damage Reduction: Not a listed ability. Guastatori by default have 25% damage reduction against all sources, making them arguably the most durable infantry in the game.
Advanced Repairs: By default Guastatori repair at a faster rate (+12 health per second) compared to the standard repair rate of typical engineer units (+8 health per second). The repair rate can be further improved with the Advanced Field Repairs upgrade from the Armory, increasing their repair rate by another +2.5 per second for a total of +14.5 per second.
Smoke Grenade: Active ability. Throws a smoke grenade at the target area, creating a smoke cloud that obscures line of sight to all units attempting to see through it. Smoke is useful for a variety of offensive and defensive purposes.
Wire Cutters: Active ability only available after the squad is upgraded with Breakthrough Package. Allows the squad to destroy targeted barbed wire section.
Sandbags: Creates a line of heavy cover that can be utilized by infantry. Counts as an obstacle that can vaulted over by infantry. Can be crushed by most vehicles.
Barbed Wire: Creates barbed wire that cannot be passed through by infantry, but can be crushed by any vehicle.
Schu-Mine 42: Lays down a mine that is triggered when any enemy units pass over it. The explosion is significantly damaging to infantry and will initially suppress them. Also deals significant damage to light vehicles, and guarantees 'Engine Damaged' to any vehicle.
Demo Charge: Constructs a demo charge that camouflages like mines do. The demo charge must be manually detonated by the player and will not trigger based on proximity. Extremely damaging with a wide blast radius, capable of wiping out squads and severely damaging vehicles. Can be detected and dismantled by Minesweepers, or destroyed from taking damage from various weapons.
Resource Cache: Constructs a resource cache over a captured resource node at a Manpower cost. A Resource Cache will increase the resource (Munitions or Fuel) granted from its node by 50%. The territory itself cannot be captured until the structure is destroyed. Does not generate additional Manpower income if constructed on a Manpower node.
Additional construction options can be gained from the Defensive Operations perk available within the Italian Infantry Battlegroup (see below for more info).
Defensive Operations: Enables Panzerpioneers and Guastatori to build Teller Mines, Tank Traps, HMG Bunkers and Reinforced Barbed Wire.
Teller Mines: Lays down more expensive mines that only triggers upon vehicle contact. Deals far more damage than regular mines, and is quite capable of taking down many light vehicles on its own. Guaranteed to cause 'Engined Damaged' state to any vehicle.
Tank Traps: Creates a series of tank traps that cannot be passed through by most vehicles. They also act as scattered heavy cover for infantry. These are hardy obstacles that are durable to damage and cannot be crushed by anything but the heaviest of vehicles.
Reinforced Barbed Wire: Replaces the regular Barbed Wire construction option. Creates a line of reinforced barbed wire that cannot be crushed by most light vehicles. Takes longer to build compared to regular barbed wire.
Territory Booby Traps: Enables Panzerpioneers and Guastatori to plant Booby Traps on captured territory and Victory points. These traps are triggered after a short delay when an enemy unit (including vehicles) moves into the capture radius.
![]() | Near | Mid | Far |
Accuracy | 0.55 | 0.25 | 0.15 |
Range | 10 | 15 | 35 |
As of the December 5 2023 patch (Steel Shepherd), Guastatori are able to fire flamethrowers on the move. This unit as well as the USF
Guastatori are arguably the most durable infantry in the game thanks to their innate damage reduction.
We are making a change to all infantry units that previously had armor. We are giving the unit a flat damage reduction against all sources to make it easier for players to understand what defensive benefits are provided and improve their durability against weapons like LMGs and HMGs.
Damage reduction numbers will be visible to players on the unit description card.
Armor reduced from 1.5 to 1 (wiki note: Incorrectly was not changed in this patch).
Now takes 25% less damage from all sources