250 Light Carrier Symbol

250 Light Carrier

250 Light Carrier
250 Light Carrier Portrait
Afrikakorps Icon

Light transport vehicle effective against infantry. Occupants can fire at nearby enemies. Can be damaged by small-arms.

The 250 Light Carrier (commonly referred to as the 250 halftrack) is a DAK light vehicle unit. In skirmishes it is available from the . It is also part of multiple unit call-ins from the DAK's unique Half-Track Deployment System. Specifically, the Panzerjäger Mechanized Group, Assault Mechanized Group, Pak 38 Mechanized Group, and le.IG 18 Mechanized Group all deploy this unit.

The 250 halftrack is one of the earliest vehicles the DAK can access immediately in a skirmish match. By default, it is a light vehicle with fairly low durability, comparable to a vehicle like the UKF but certainly tougher than the . It is armed with a forward facing MG effective against infantry. It is capable of transporting infantry and towing heavy weapons - however, since it has transportation capacity, this means it can also tow non-abandoned heavy weapons since it can transport their crew.

It also has the Medical Station active ability, which allows it to heal nearby infantry when activated while stationary and out of combat. At veterancy level 1 this unit gains the passive Onboard Medics which heals its occupants as they are being transported.

Unlike the Kradschützen Motorcycle, the 250 halftrack is the earliest vehicle available that will provide the Combined Arms bonus to nearby DAK infantry. In addition, this unit can transport one infantry squad but unlike many transport vehicles, the squad being transported is able to fire from the vehicle due to its open-top nature. All infantry weapons can be fired by occupants, which includes weapons that normally cannot fire on the move. This makes the 250 a potent flanking vehicle as it can use its speed to not only transport infantry quickly, but also as a way to use weapons like anti-tank rifles and flamethrowers on the move and with immunity to suppression. However, the squad being transported cannot be ordered to fire on specific targets (as the player can only control the transport).

Using the 250 halftrack together with infantry is quite ideal, given how it essentially has been designed to support them. Aside from being the earliest unit that can provide the Combined Arms bonus, its unique transportation mechanic allows the DAK to deal with various threats like heavy weapons effectively. It is also handy for providing early healing, especially as the DAK's primary means of healing, the , requires additional teching and resources to access.

It should be noted that the benefits greatly from using transports, as they have a unique passive that activates upon disembarking from vehicles in combat. See the Assault Grenadier page for more info.

Overall it is important to remember that the 250 halftrack is still a light vehicle that is vulnerable to being destroyed very quickly, so high levels of micromanagement is necessary.

Aside from the above utility mentioned, the 250 halftrack can also be upgraded, specializing it further. It benefits from the Combat Half-Tracks upgrade from the , which increases its health and armour while also unlocking the following conversion upgrades:

  • GrW Mortar Conversion: This upgrade converts the unit into the , granting it a mortar weapon in exchange for losing previous utility functions like transportation capacity and towing weapons. This is the only way for DAK to get standard mortars in their roster. The unit functions just like other mortar units, although with the pros and cons of being a vehicle. More info can be seen on its page.

  • KwK 38 Autocannon Conversion: This upgrade converts the unit into , essentially turning the halftrack into a more armoured but slower mechanized combat vehicle. This significantly increases its firepower by adding an autocannon turret. In addition, the upgrade grants more durability in exchange for slower speed and acceleration. The unit still keeps its previous utility functions including Medical Station ability, towing, and ability to transport troops. More info can be seen on its page.

Additionally, the 250 halftrack can gain another conversion option exclusive to the Battlefield Espionage Battlegroup.

  • 250/3 Funkpanzerwagen Conversion: Exclusive to the Battlefield Espionage Battlegroup. Once the appropriate battlegroup perk is unlocked, the becomes available as an upgrade option for the 250 halftrack. It loses its weapon and previous functions to become a unique support unit capable of camouflaging the player's nearby infantry units, among other new functions. More info can be seen on its page.


light halftrack

CoH3 Stats light Cover Icon4
CoH3 Stats negative Cover Icon3
CoH3 Stats light halftrack Portrait
CoH3 Stats heavy Cover Icon5.5
CoH3 Stats light Cover Icon4
  • The 250 halftrack's armor values can be increased with the Combat Half-Tracks upgrade from the Armory.


Veteran Star FullVeteran Star EmptyVeteran Star Empty

500 XP

Unlocks veteran ability. Increases rotation rate, sight, and acceleration.
Veteran Star FullVeteran Star FullVeteran Star Empty

1500 XP

Increases speed, rotation rate, and accuracy.
Veteran Star FullVeteran Star FullVeteran Star Full

3000 XP

Increases speed, acceleration, health, sight and rate of fire.

Veterancy Abilities

  • Onboard Medics: Passive ability gained upon reaching veterancy level 1. The 250 halftrack will heal transport occupants passively at a rate of +4 health per second.


250/3 Funkpanzerwagen Conversion icon
250/3 Funkpanzerwagen Conversion
Upgrades the unit to the Funkpanzerwagen. Funkpanzerwagens can camouflage nearby units even if they are moving, but not itself. Can deploy Beacons, Goliath Demolition Vehicles, Schu-mines and anti-tank Teller mines. Can capture territory.
KwK 38 Autocannon Conversion icon
KwK 38 Autocannon Conversion
Increases the durability of the halftrack, but decreases speed and mobility. Adds an autocannon to the halftrack that is more effective when garrisoned. Autocannon is effective against infantry and light vehicles.
Munitions Cost


GrW 34 Mortar Conversion icon
GrW 34 Mortar Conversion
Convert into a 250 Mortar Halftrack. Effective against infantry, team weapons, and structures at long-range.
Munitions Cost


Two of these conversion upgrades require the Combat Half-Tracks upgrade from the in order to be unlocked.

  • GrW Mortar Conversion: This upgrade converts the unit into the , granting it a mortar weapon in exchange for losing previous utility functions like transportation capacity and towing weapons. This is the only way for DAK to get standard mortars in their roster. The unit functions just like other mortar units, although with the pros and cons of being a vehicle. More info can be seen on its page.

  • KwK 38 Autocannon Conversion: This upgrade converts the unit into , essentially turning the halftrack into a more armoured but slower mechanized combat vehicle. This significantly increases its firepower by adding an autocannon turret. In addition, the upgrade grants more durability in exchange for slower speed and acceleration. The unit still keeps its previous utility functions including Medical Station ability, towing, and ability to transport troops. More info can be seen on its page.

The following upgrade is only available with the Battlefield Espionage Battlegroup:

  • 250/3 Funkpanzerwagen Conversion: Exclusive to the Battlefield Espionage Battlegroup. Once the appropriate battlegroup perk is unlocked, the becomes available as an upgrade option for the 250 halftrack. It loses its weapon to become a unique support unit capable of camouflaging the player's nearby infantry units, among other functions. More info can be seen on its page.


Support Veterancy icon
Support Veterancy
Receives veterancy experience from nearby allies when they earn veterancy experience. The shared experience is split between each unit with this ability near that ally.
Medical Station icon
Medical Station
When stationary, heals nearby infantry that are out of combat.
Restores +%1% health per second.
Time Cost


Onboard Medics icon
Onboard Medics
The Armored Half-track will heal injured infantry within its garrison hold.
Restores +%1% health per second.
Stealth Off icon
Stealth Off
Toggle to enable Stealth. Vehicle must be out of combat for at least 6 seconds before it can stealth again.
Emergency Repair Kits icon
Emergency Repair Kits
The unit will slowly repair damage when out of combat and stationary.
Restores +%1% health per second.
Smoke Canisters icon
Smoke Canisters
Orders the vehicle crew to deploy smoke canisters in front of the vehicle.
Munitions Cost


Time Cost


Drop Heavy Weapon icon
Drop Heavy Weapon
Orders the unit to drop its towed heavy weapon at the target position.
Tow Heavy Weapon icon
Tow Heavy Weapon
Orders the unit to tow the selected heavy weapon. Non-abandoned heavy weapons will have their crew board the vehicle.
Vehicle Awareness icon
Vehicle Awareness
Enables the vehicle to detect enemy vehicles in the fog of war.
Vehicle Capture icon
Vehicle Capture
Increases speed, rotation rate, and allows the vehicle to capture and decapture territory.
+20% speed and +15% rotation rate.
  • Medical Station: Active ability. Once activated, this unit will heal nearby friendly infantry while stationary and out of combat for a long duration. Has a very long cooldown.

  • Support Veterancy: Passive ability. This unit gains veterancy experience when other nearby friendly units gain experience. If multiple units with Support Veterancy are nearby, the gained XP is evenly distributed among them. This passive allows the unit to gain XP even if not directly fighting enemies.

  • Towing Heavy Weapons: Passive ability. This unit can tow various heavy weapons like AT guns. Non-abandoned weapons can also be towed since it has transportation capacity to carry crews. As the halftrack is a larger vehicle, it is capable of towing even the heaviest of weapons like the UKF and the DAK .

Armory Upgrades/Abilities

  • Emergency Repair Kits: Passive ability. The unit will repair itself when stationary and out of combat. Requires the Emergency Repair Kits upgrade from the Armory.

  • Smoke Canisters: Active ability. Drops smoke directly in front of the vehicle. Requires the Vehicle Survival Package upgrade from the Armory.

  • Vehicle Capture: Passive ability. The unit gains increased movement speed, rotation rate, and is able to capture/decapture territory. Requires the Rapid Advance upgrade from the Armory.

Armored Support Battlegroup

  • Vehicle Awareness: The vehicle can detect enemy vehicles in the fog of war. Requires the Vehicle Awareness perk.

  • Panzer Storm: Active battlegroup ability. Upon activation, globally increases the speed of all vehicles and grants them immunity to engine criticals for the duration.



Change Log

1.7.0 Onyx Shark July 16 2024

250 Light Carrier 

With the general increase in lethality, the 250 is also gaining increased firepower when stationary. We are lowering the moving accuracy of this unit so it still remains a support vehicle that should be used in conjunction with infantry, rather than a fast anti-infantry hunter. 

  • Machine gun accuracy increased from 0.464/0.36/0.231 to 0.56/0.43/0.27 

  • Moving accuracy reduced from 0.75 to 0.5 

  • Veterancy requirements reduced from 600/1800/3600 to 500/1500/3000 

1.6 'Coral Viper' April 2 2024

  • Reload from 5/5.5 to 2.5