Advanced medium tank effective against vehicles, infantry, and structures.
The M4A3E8 Sherman Easy Eight is an elite USF vehicle unit. In skirmishes, it is available exclusively to the Armored Battlegroup. Specifically, the M4A3E8 Sherman Combat Group battlegroup ability will deploy this tank transporting a veteran level 1
The Easy Eight is essentially the most elite version of all Sherman variants. It is nearly identical to the
The largest difference is the improved main cannon and having a new ability. The Easy Eight's main cannon is nearly identical to the 76mm Sherman variant, but it has lower scatter and no moving penalty. This combination means that generally the Easy Eight has the best accuracy and reliability compared to other Shermans, especially when firing on the move and attacking infantry.
In addition, the unit by default comes with the HVAP Rounds ability. When activated, this temporarily buffs the unit with increased damage and penetration for the duration. As a consequence, the Easy Eight cannot gain access to the Canister Shot ability.
Due to the very high requirements of expensive CP and resource costs, Easy Eights are rarer to see in matches, often relegating their appearance only in late game situations. One can skip its high CP costs by ignoring the call-in ability and choosing the production option instead, allowing it to be produced from the
While this unit does have more health than the standard Sherman tank, it does not have higher armour values and thus has the same vulnerability as the regular version. As such, overall it should be treated similarly as the regular Sherman tanks, but with the advantage of performing better in fights. Smart usage of HVAP Rounds can make a significant difference especially when fighting heavier armour at long range.
1800 XP
5400 XP
10800 XP
All USF units can choose between one of two veterancy abilities specific to them, upon reaching veterancy level 1.
High-Explosive Rounds: Active ability. After activation, for a lengthy duration the Sherman will temporarily fire high explosive rounds from its main cannon instead of its default projectile. This features increased area of effect but reduced penetration. As such HE rounds effectively increase anti-infantry performance at the cost of anti-vehicle performance. Be wary this is a timed duration and thus it can backfire if the unit suddenly needs to deal with vehicles, as the effect cannot be prematurely cancelled. 30 second duration. 30 second cooldown that starts after the duration ends.
White Phosphorus Shell: Active ability. Fires a special round at the target enemy vehicle which debilitates it by disabling its weapons and removing sight range for a short duration. Upon impact the round explodes and creates a small white phosphorus cloud that obscures vision as well as continuously deals damage to any infantry in its area of effect. This ability is an effective anti-vehicle ability, great for helping to take down armoured targets or to help save the player's units from opposing fire. As a side effect the small white phosphorus cloud can incidentally help force off infantry in the immediate area, such as repairing engineer units.
M2HB .50cal Heavy Machine Gun: Upgrades the unit with a pintle-mounted machine gun that can rotate to face any direction independently of the tank turret. Significantly improves anti-infantry performance.
This unit can benefit from the following upgrades.
Improvised Armor: Increases the armour value of this unit. Also reduces incoming damage of infantry handheld anti-tank weapons to it.
Rearm and Retrofit: Grants unique abilities for various USF vehicles. For the Easy Eight, it unlocks the Smoke Launchers ability.
This unit can benefit from the following battlegroup perks.
Veteran Crews: Grants veterancy level 1 to all current and future vehicles.
Strength in Steel: Reduces the population cap cost and upkeep of all vehicles.
Field Repairs: Active battlegroup ability. Once activated, all vehicles will automatically self-repair when stationary and out of combat for the duration of the ability.
Seek and Destroy: Active battlegroup ability. Once activated, temporarily grants increased movement speed, accuracy, and rate of fire to all vehicles for the duration of the ability.
Note: Radio Net and Emergency Engine Repair are not available in skirmishes.
HVAP Rounds: Active ability. Note that unlike other units, the Easy Eight has this ability by default and does not require unlocking it. When activated for a Munitions cost, the Easy Eight gains +25% damage and +50% penetration for a 15 second duration, which is enough time to get two enhanced shots off by default (can get more shots in with other rate of fire bonuses and veterancy levels). This is a straight combat boost that not only increases raw damage on hits, but the increased penetration allows it to more reliably fight heavy armour.
Smoke Launchers: Active ability that is only unlocked via the Smoke Shells upgrade available at the
76mm-sherman-easy-8-us | Near | Mid | Far |
Accuracy | 0.1 | 0.05 | 0.04 |
Range | 10 | 25 | 40 |
Penetration | 200 | 180 | 160 |
30cal-coaxial-sherman-us | Near | Mid | Far |
Accuracy | 0.35 | 0.15 | 0.1 |
Range | 7 | 20 | 35 |
30cal-hull-sherman-us | Near | Mid | Far |
Accuracy | 0.35 | 0.15 | 0.1 |
Range | 7 | 20 | 35 |
2inch-mortar-smoke-sherman-us | Near | Mid | Far |
Range | 0 | 27.5 | 55 |
Penetration | 35 | 35 | 35 |
The Easy Eight's main cannon is very similar to the 76mm Sherman variant. However, it is superior due to having lower scatter as well as no moving accuracy penalty. As of result, the Easy Eight is generally more accurate/reliable against infantry targets and when firing on the move.
The "Easy Eight" nickname is derived from the E8 variation code. Introduced late in the war in 1944, this variant had several improvements including better suspension, armour, and firepower.
HVAP and Armor Piercing Rounds - M18 Hellcat, M4A3 Sherman Easy 8, M1 Anti-tank Gun
We want tank and team weapon positioning to matter during engagements. The current benefits provided by these types of abilities, on top of the increased damage, made it too easy to punish heavy tanks like the Tiger from the front at long-range.
We are removing the automatic penetration mechanic to make tank armor still matter to an extent when these abilities are active. The penetration boost, however, is still significant, particularly on units with very high penetration to begin with such as the Hellcat.
No longer automatically penetrates enemy armor. Now gives +50% penetration.