L6/40 Light Tank Symbol

L6/40 Light Tank

L6/40 Light Tank
L6/40 Light Tank Portrait
Afrikakorps Icon

Light vehicle effective against vehicles at short-range. Deals limited damage to infantry.

The L6/40 Light Tank is a DAK light tank unit. In multiplayer skirmishes it is only available as a call-in from the Italian Infantry Battlegroup for a cost of 425 Manpower and 50 Fuel.

Once the appropriate battlegroup perk is attained, they can be deployed to the field. The ability always calls in two L6/40 tanks at a time, and so it is common to see these tanks in pairs.

The L6/40 is a very light tank. It has very low durability due to low health and armour, although its armour values are high enough that small arm bullets will not be a threat to it. However, it makes up for this weak durability by having good mobility with fast speed and a very small size for a vehicle. By default, it is armed with an autocannon and coaxial machine gun, which are effective against infantry and light vehicles. Against infantry the autocannon can be found lacking especially when compared to other units like the . This autocannon has relatively weak penetration at long range, but it becomes much higher at closer ranges. This means the L6/40 in combination with its speed can capably fight many light vehicles up close such as the USF . Otherwise, it will struggle against most armoured targets especially at long range.

At veterancy level 1 the L6/40 gains the active ability Emergency Overdrive, which greatly increases its movement speed and acceleration while making it harder to hit, in exchange for disabling its weapons for the duration.

At cost of Munitions, this unit can be upgraded with two additional features. Spotting Scopes significantly increases its vision range when stationary, and this upgrade does not lock out the flamethrower upgrade and vice versa.

The L6 Lanciafiamme Conversion changes its main weapon into a flamethrower, converting the unit into the . This effectively increases its effectiveness against structures and especially against infantry in cover or garrisons, though at an obvious loss of being able to deal damage to vehicles. The main advantage over most infantry flamethrowers is that the L6/40 flamethrower can fire on the move - something that is recommended to be in use due to its low durability.

Overall L6/40's are by default quite effective against light vehicles, especially considering they always come in pairs. Against infantry their performance is not nearly as threatening, but if the opponent has no counter to them then they can easily bully enemy infantry around. The flamethrower upgrade is a necessity for those wishing to turn the L6/40 into a more significant anti-infantry threat.

Of special note, Italian tanks in skirmishes benefit from various upgrades but do not benefit from Tungsten Core Ammunition.


light tank

CoH3 Stats light Cover Icon40
CoH3 Stats negative Cover Icon25
CoH3 Stats light tank Portrait
CoH3 Stats heavy Cover Icon50
CoH3 Stats light Cover Icon40


Veteran Star FullVeteran Star EmptyVeteran Star Empty

800 XP

Unlocks veteran ability choice. Increases rotation rate, accuracy, and acceleration.
Veteran Star FullVeteran Star FullVeteran Star Empty

2400 XP

Increases speed, rotation rate, rate of fire, and accuracy.
Veteran Star FullVeteran Star FullVeteran Star Full

4800 XP

Increases speed, acceleration, health, range, and rate of fire.

Veterancy Abilities

  • Emergency Overdrive: Active ability gained upon reaching veterancy level 1. When activated, the unit gains +50% movement speed, +25% acceleration, and -25% received accuracy, in exchange for disabling its weapon for the duration of 15 seconds. Essentially a great emergency ability to run away from threats quickly, or to reposition over larger distances very rapidly. Since it disables its weapons for the duration, it cannot reliably be used to pursue targets offensively.


Spotting Scopes icon
Spotting Scopes
Upgrades the unit with a spotting scope.
Munitions Cost


L6 Lanciafiamme Conversion icon
L6 Lanciafiamme Conversion
Replaces the autocannon with a flamethrower. Very effective against infantry in cover and structures.
Munitions Cost


  • L6 Lanciafiamme Conversion: Upgrade that replaces the autocannon with a flamethrower, converting the unit into the . Has increased effectiveness against structures and especially against infantry in cover or garrisons, although at an obvious loss of anti-vehicle power. Can be fired on the move, unlike most infantry held flamethrowers.

  • Spotting Scopes: Increases the unit's sight range by +10 when stationary. Does not lock out other upgrades.


Emergency Overdrive icon
Emergency Overdrive
Temporarily boosts the vehicle's speed, acceleration, and unit is harder to hit. Vehicle cannot fire while active.
+50% speed, +25% acceleration, and unit is 25% harder to hit.
Time Cost


Hold Fire Disabled icon
Hold Fire Disabled
Unit will not engage unless given a manual attack order when active.
Stealth Off icon
Stealth Off
Toggle to enable Stealth. Vehicle must be out of combat for at least 6 seconds before it can stealth again.
Raid Package icon
Raid Package
Globally allows all light vehicles to capture territory and all vehicles can use the Smoke Canisters ability.
Self-repair icon
Orders the crew to repair their own vehicle.
Munitions Cost


Smoke Canisters icon
Smoke Canisters
Orders the vehicle crew to deploy smoke canisters in front of the vehicle.
Munitions Cost


Time Cost


Emergency Repair Kits icon
Emergency Repair Kits
The unit will slowly repair damage when out of combat and stationary.
Restores +%1% health per second.
Smoke Canisters icon
Smoke Canisters
Orders the vehicle crew to deploy smoke canisters in front of the vehicle.
Munitions Cost


Time Cost


Vehicle Capture icon
Vehicle Capture
Increases speed, rotation rate, and allows the vehicle to capture and decapture territory.
+20% speed and +15% rotation rate.

Note: Raid Package and Self-Repair are campaign exclusive upgrades.

Armory Upgrades/Abilities

  • Emergency Repair Kits: Passive ability. The unit will repair itself when stationary and out of combat. Requires the Emergency Repair Kits upgrade from the Armory.

  • Smoke Canisters: Active ability. Drops smoke directly in front of the vehicle. Requires the Vehicle Survival Package upgrade from the Armory.

  • Vehicle Capture: Passive ability. The unit gains increased movement speed, rotation rate, and is able to capture/decapture territory. Requires the Rapid Advance upgrade from the Armory.




  • The designation of L6/40 means the following: L for "Leggero" (Light), the 6 for weight in tonnes, and 40 for the year of adoption in 1940.

  • The L6/40 was already obsolete by the time it was introduced in the war, and was often employed for roles it was unsuitable for.